Climate Challenges: Science and Solutions
This talk will provide an overview into the main carbon problems (global warming, ocean acidification and sea level rise), related impacts for ecosystems and societies, and discuss possible solutions to […]
This talk will provide an overview into the main carbon problems (global warming, ocean acidification and sea level rise), related impacts for ecosystems and societies, and discuss possible solutions to […]
Upper tropospheric clouds, particularly anvil clouds, are the most abundant and radiatively important cloud type in the tropics. Their height is constrained by large-scale climate, while their optical thickness and […]
The global deep oceans serve as a huge heat buffer to absorb the surplus heat from the Earth’s ocean surface warming caused by the persistent emission of anthropogenic greenhouse gases. When […]
Epidemiology indicates the research field to find distributions of diseases and associated risk factors. Further, environmental epidemiology studies mean studies on health outcomes related to environmental hazards and risk factors that […]
More than two decades ago, the development of the first global biogeography models led to an interest in simulating global land cover in the past. These models promised the possibility […]
The El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon exhibits in its sea surface temperature anomalies and associated fields with complicated spatiotemporal variations. Two main typical spatiotemporal patterns are known to be associated […]
Tropical cyclones (TCs), the generic name for typhoons, are among the most destructive natural hazards. It is important to understand how climate change affects TC frequency, to minimize human and […]
Wave interference between transient eddies and climatological stationary eddies is a key physical process that modulates heat and moisture transport by changing the large-scale circulation in the extratropics. The amplitude […]
The Hadley Cell (HC) changes from Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) to preindustrial (PI) periods, and to the 23rd century under the extended concentration pathway 4.5 (ECP4.5) scenario are examined by […]
Time: 20-22 April 2023, 1pm Thursday to 1pm Saturday Venue: Talent Garden, Liechtensteinstrasse 111-115, 1090 Vienna, Austria Tel.: +43 (0)1 2058183, Web: https://talentgarden.org/en/ Climate emulators hold the key to efficient and comprehensive impact assessment, scenario analysis and […]