Seminar by Dr. Elena Xoplaki
We address the possible causal relationships between climatic andsocio-economic change and assess the resilience of the medieval Byzantium and the Little Ice Age Ottoman Empire socio-economic systems in the context […]
We address the possible causal relationships between climatic andsocio-economic change and assess the resilience of the medieval Byzantium and the Little Ice Age Ottoman Empire socio-economic systems in the context […]
There is intriguing nonstationary relationship between ENSO and the WP teleconnection pattern, with a regime-dependent interdecadal modulation of significant correlations for 1973-1987 (r = 0.68) and insignificant correlations for 1988-2002 […]
Palaeoclimatic information provide fundamental means for the characterization of natural decadal to centennial time-scale changes and putting the recent anthropogenic warming in the long-term perspective. Here we present recent advancement […]
Future Antarctic ice sheet (AIS) iceberg and meltwater discharge could substantially exceed present levels, even in projections with little AIS contribution to global sea level rise. Here, a coupled climate/iceberg […]
Day 1 09:00 – 09:10 Introduction on CESM summer school (June-Yi) 09:10 – 10:30 Basics of CESM (Malte) 10:30 – 10:45 Break 10:45 – 12:00 Tutorial to run CESM1 on […]
Ever wondered what the Nature journals look for publishing your work? In this seminar, Bronwyn Wake – Chief editor of Nature Climate Change – will explain all. She will discuss the differences […]
A new IBS symposium “2018 IBS Symposium – Determining and Understanding Global and Regional Climate Change” organized by Institute for Basic Science. It will be held on August 23 (Thu.), […]
Based on the use of analytically-derived “combined Fresnel equation”, which combines two Fresnel equations for polarized reflectivities, we were able to retrieve the ice surface temperature below the snow layer, […]
The surface temperature response to greenhouse gas forcing displays a characteristic polar amplification (PA) pattern, particularly in the Northern Hemisphere. The relative importance of individual processes in causing it are […]
The launch of the proof-of-concept mission GPS/MET (Global Positioning System/Meteorology) in 1995 began a revolution in profiling Earth’s atmosphere through radio occultation (RO). The six-satellite constellation, FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC (Formosa Satellite mission #3)/Constellation […]