New evidence on East Asian temperature and hydro-climatic variability over the past two millennia

Seminar by Prof. Juerg Luterbacher from University of Giessen

05 November 2018
KST 09:30 – 11:00

Palaeoclimatic information provide fundamental means for the characterization of natural decadal to centennial time-scale changes and putting the recent anthropogenic warming in the long-term perspective. Here we present recent advancement in our physical and dynamical understanding of Asian summer temperature variations, trends and extremes over the past 2000 years. We compare our reconstructions with an ensemble of millennium-length climate model experiments and diagnose the potential role of internal variability, volcanic eruptions and solar variations in shaping East Asian summer temperature response across time and space. The final part of the talk presents future perspectives, challenges and opportunities including hydroclimatic reconstructions 

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