Models show intensifying wildfires in a warming world due to changes in vegetation and humidity; only a minor role for lightning
Extreme fire seasons in recent years highlight the urgent need to better understand wildfires within the broader context of climate change. Under climate change, many drivers of wildfires are expected […]

Scientists simulate asteroid collision effects on climate and plants
A new climate modeling study published in the journal Science Advances by researchers from the IBS Center for Climate Physics (ICCP) at Pusan National University in South Korea presents a new scenario […]

Abrupt intensification of northern wildfires due to future permafrost thawing
A study, published in the journal Nature Communications by an international team of climate scientists and permafrost experts shows that, according to new climate computer model simulations, global warming will […]

2023 – a year to be remembered
Allow me to take you on a little walk down memory lane. 2023 was, from a climate scientist’s perspective, an extremely unusual and surprising year: it will be remembered by […]

Global Warming Milestones
The Nobel Prize in physics in 2021 went in part to two gentlemen in their 90s: Prof Klaus Hasselmann from Germany and Dr. Syukuro Manabe from Japan/United States (Figure 1). […]

Human influence on El Niño rainfall events to become detectable within the next 20 years
Published in Nature Climate Change, a new study finds that rainfall variations associated with the global climate phenomenon El Niño are likely to become more frequent in the next 20 […]

Large future changes in climate variability
New computer model simulations identify widespread changes in climate variability under sustained anthropogenic forcing There is growing public awareness that climate change will impact society not only through changes in […]

Fewer El Niño and La Niña events in a warmer world
Highest resolution global warming simulation conducted to date reveals possible end of El Niño/ La Niña temperature cycle The cycling between warm El Niño and cold La Niña conditions in […]

East Antarctic summer cooling trends caused by tropical rainfall clusters
A new study identifies key linkages between rainfall occurring in the tropics and climate trends in Antarctica Our planet is warming due to anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions; but the warming […]

Future ocean warming boosts tropical rainfall extremes
Ocean warming predicted to cause a twofold increase in amplitude of rainfall fluctuations over the tropical Pacific The El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is the most energetic naturally occurring year-to-year variation […]

Expect fewer, but more destructive landfalling tropical cyclones
A study based on new high-resolution supercomputer simulations, published in this week’s issue of the journal Science Advances, reveals that global warming will intensify landfalling tropical cyclones of category 3 […]

Korean summer rainfall on steroids—is global warming to blame?
Over the past three months South Korea has experienced one of its most unusual East Asian summer monsoon (Changma) seasons since 1973. Torrential rains wreaked havoc across the country, causing […]

Future subtropical warming accelerates tropical climate change
In response to future fossil fuel burning, climate computer models simulate a pronounced warming in the tropicaloceans. This warming can influence the El Niño phenomenon and shift weather and rainfall patterns across […]

Ocean temperatures turbocharge April tornadoes over Great Plains region
New research, published in the journal Science Advances, has found that unusual ocean temperatures in the tropical Pacific and Atlantic can drastically increase April tornado occurrences over the Great Plains […]

Natural climate processes overshadow recent human-induced Walker circulation trends
A new study, published this week in the journal Nature Climate Change, shows that the recent intensification of the equatorial Pacific wind system, known as Walker Circulation, is unrelated to human […]