Modeling Human Dispersal
The genus homo started about 3-2.5 million years ago – likely in the savannas of Eastern Africa. Over the following 2 million years further speciation events occurred and some groups, […]
The genus homo started about 3-2.5 million years ago – likely in the savannas of Eastern Africa. Over the following 2 million years further speciation events occurred and some groups, […]
In the early 1950’s John von Neumann and Jules Charney carried out the first successful numerical weather forecasts at the Institute of Advanced Study at Princeton. The United States Weather […]
Most precipitation systems in Korea are highly influenced by the East Asian summer monsoon (Changma) as well as by synoptic scale/mesoscale weather phenomena, and hence have high seasonal variation; they […]
Land surface is the interface between atmosphere and land, which is composed of various soils, vegetations, surface water bodies, snow/ice etc.; thus, it represents various components of the Earth’s environment/climate […]
Numerical prediction of climate/weather/environment is an important tool for adequate policy making in an era of changing climate. It basically requires a coupled modeling system, and its performance can be […]
During recent decades, the Arctic has been warming at a much faster rate than the global average. Interestingly, this accelerated warming in response to greenhouse gas forcing is most pronounced […]
Tropical volcanic eruptions are known to induce a decrease in global monsoon precipitation but there remains a large uncertainty in model simulated responses. Here we show that the inter-simulation differences […]
The Arctic is currently warming at a high rate of change, with an average amplitude twice the global mean. Are these changes unprecedented in the climate record as we know it? […]
Fire activity in Equatorial Asia shows large interannual variability. Teleconnections by El Niño‐Southern Oscillation and Indian Ocean Dipole are linked to drought and fire events; however, we found here that […]
The Maritime Continent (MC) region is known as a ‘barrier’ in the life-cycle of the Madden-Julian oscillation (MJO). During boreal winter, the MJO detours the equatorial MC land region southward […]