Synchrotron radiation sheds new light on the evolution of human childhood
Early hominins may have had a combination of ape-like early maturity and human-like delayed development, according to an analysis of 1.77-million-year-old fossilized hominin teeth from Dmanisi, Georgia, published in Nature. […]

Early Human species benefited from food diversity in steep mountainous terrain
A new study published in the journal Science Advances [1] by researchers at the IBS Center for Climate Physics (ICCP) at Pusan National University in South Korea shows that the patchwork […]

A climate-orchestrated early human love story
A new study published in the journal Science by an international team finds that past changes in atmospheric CO2 and corresponding shifts in climate and vegetation played a key role […]

How a massive North Atlantic cooling event disrupted early human occupation in Europe
A new study published in the journal Science finds that around 1.12 million years ago a massive cooling event in the North Atlantic and corresponding shifts in climate, vegetation and […]

Human ancestors preferred mosaic landscapes and high ecosystem diversity
A new study published in the journal Science by an international team finds that early human species adapted to mosaic landscapes and diverse food resources, which would have increased our […]

Early human habitats linked to past climate shifts
A study published in Nature by an international team of scientists provides clear evidence for a link between astronomically-driven climate change and human evolution. By combining the most extensive database […]

Sediment cores and computer model reveal multiple Sahara greenings
Wet and dry conditions in northern Africa alternated every ~20,000 years, according to a new study published in the journal Nature Geoscience. Prehistoric engravings of giraffes and swimming humans suggest […]

Supercomputer model simulations reveal cause of Neanderthal extinction
Climate scientists from the IBS Center for Climate Physics discover that, contrary to previously held beliefs, Neanderthal extinction was neither caused by abrupt glacial climate shifts, nor by interbreeding with […]

Climate shifts triggered modern humans’ first migrations out of their Southern African homeland
A landmark study pinpoints the birthplace of modern humans in southern Africa and suggests how past climate shifts drove their first migration. A study has concluded that the earliest ancestors […]

Axel Timmermann involved in a new research study on the diversity of ancestral populations of Homo sapiens in Africa
Axel Timmermann, Director of IBS Center for Climate Physics, was involved in a new research study on the diversity of ancestral populations of Homo sapiens in Africa. This study led […]