오효은 Hyoeun Oh

오효은 Hyoeun Oh Assistant Researcher Email: heunoh@pusan.ac.kr Phone: +82-51-510-7632 Research Interests Asian monsoon dynamics Climate changes and climate variability Climate extremes: extreme precipitation, marine heatwaves Climate impacts on human pathogenic […]

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쉬웨이 팡 Shih-Wei Fang

쉬웨이 팡 Shih-Wei Fang Postdoctoral Research Fellow Email: shihweif@pusan.ac.kr Research Interests Paleo climates Large-scale climate variability ENSO dynamics Volcanic climate impacts Human migrations from climates Education 2020 Ph.D. Earth System […]

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빈센트 베르잔 Vincent Verjans

빈센트 베르잔 Vincent Verjans Postdoctoral Research Fellow Email: vverjans@pusan.ac.kr Research Interests Computational geosciences Climate dynamics Applied statistics and machine learning Education 2021 Ph.D. Environmental Sciences, Lancaster University, United Kingdom 2017 […]

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압둘 와사이 Muhammad Abdul Wasay

압둘 와사이 Muhammad Abdul Wasay Assistant Researcher Email: mawasay@pnu.ac.kr Research Interests Climate change impacts on past human migration and culture Physical approaches to early human migration Education 2015 Ph.D Physics, […]

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손준혁 Jun-Hyeok Son

손준혁 Jun-Hyeok Son Postdoctoral Research Fellow Email: j-hson@pusan.ac.kr Research Interests Climate Dynamics Climate Change Weather and Climate Extremes Monsoon Applications of Atmospheric Science Education 2019 PhD., Atmospheric Sciences, Pusan National […]

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조은별 Eun-Byeol Cho

조은별 Eun-Byeol Cho Postdoctoral Research Fellow Email: eunbyeol@pusan.ac.kr Phone: +82-51-510-7751 Research Interests Marine heat waves Marine ecosystems and biogeochemical cycles Education 2023 Ph.D. Earth and Environmental Sciences, Seoul National University, […]

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문자연 Ja Yeon Moon

문자연 Ja Yeon Moon Associate Researcher Email: mjy1011@pusan.ac.kr Phone: +82-51-510-7692 Cloud-permitting high-resolution model simulations Climate change Subseasonal-to-Seasonal Predictability Weather and Climate Extreme Events   Education 2002 Ph.D. in Meteorology, Pusan […]

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아뉴팜 사만타 Anupam Samanta

아뉴팜 사만타 Anupam Samanta Postdoctoral Research Fellow Email: anupam@pusan.ac.kr Phone: +91-8788265171 Research interests Assessing the temporal dynamics of (past) climate/vegetation patterns using isotopic and geochemical signatures of sedimentary deposits Trace […]

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박해리 Hae-Li Park

박해리 Hae-Li Park Postdoctoral Research Fellow Email: haelipark@pusan.ac.kr Phone: +82-51-510-7751 Research Interests Climate change impacts on biodiversity Effects of Large-scale Mountain on East Asian Monsoon Seasonal Predictability of East Asian […]

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박원선 Wonsun Park

박원선 Wonsun Park Associate Professor, Project Leader Email: wpark@pusan.ac.kr Phone: +82-51-510-7858 Research Interests Climate modeling Natural climate variability Anthropogenic climate changes Paleoclimate modeling Education 2002 Ph.D. Oceanography (Physical Oceanography), Seoul […]

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