Expect fewer, but more destructive landfalling tropical cyclones
A study based on new high-resolution supercomputer simulations, published in this week’s issue of the journal Science Advances, reveals that global warming will intensify landfalling tropical cyclones of category 3 […]

Korean summer rainfall on steroids—is global warming to blame?
Over the past three months South Korea has experienced one of its most unusual East Asian summer monsoon (Changma) seasons since 1973. Torrential rains wreaked havoc across the country, causing […]

Supercomputer model simulations reveal cause of Neanderthal extinction
Climate scientists from the IBS Center for Climate Physics discover that, contrary to previously held beliefs, Neanderthal extinction was neither caused by abrupt glacial climate shifts, nor by interbreeding with […]

Earth’s glacial cycles enhanced by Antarctic sea-ice
During past glacial periods the earth was about 6ºC colder and the Northern hemisphere continents were covered by ice sheets up to 4 kilometers thick. However, the earth would not […]

Future subtropical warming accelerates tropical climate change
In response to future fossil fuel burning, climate computer models simulate a pronounced warming in the tropicaloceans. This warming can influence the El Niño phenomenon and shift weather and rainfall patterns across […]

Climate shifts triggered modern humans’ first migrations out of their Southern African homeland
A landmark study pinpoints the birthplace of modern humans in southern Africa and suggests how past climate shifts drove their first migration. A study has concluded that the earliest ancestors […]

Ocean temperatures turbocharge April tornadoes over Great Plains region
New research, published in the journal Science Advances, has found that unusual ocean temperatures in the tropical Pacific and Atlantic can drastically increase April tornado occurrences over the Great Plains […]

Impacts of climate change detectable at vastly different timescales across different ocean processes
The contemporary ocean provides a climate service by absorbing excess heat and carbon from the atmosphere, thereby slowing the pace of rising global temperatures. This service, however, comes with penalty — namely […]

Icebergs delay Southern Hemisphere future warming
New research, published today in the journal Nature Climate Change, has found that Antarctic icebergs can weaken and delay the effect of Global Warming in the Southern Hemisphere. Unabated Global […]

Paris Agreement does not rule out ice-free Arctic
Research published in this week’s issue of Nature Communications reveals a considerable chance for an ice-free Arctic Ocean at global warming limits stipulated in the Paris Agreement. Scientists from South […]

Natural climate processes overshadow recent human-induced Walker circulation trends
A new study, published this week in the journal Nature Climate Change, shows that the recent intensification of the equatorial Pacific wind system, known as Walker Circulation, is unrelated to human […]

Sea ice as Pacemaker for Abrupt Climate Change
A recent study on ‘Sea ice variability in the southern Norwegian Sea during glacial Dansgaard-Oeschger climate cycles’ co-authored by Axel Timmermann, the Director of the IBS Center for Climate Physics […]