Seminar by Dr. Ji-Woong Yang
According to IPCC report, the Earth’s climate has been warming rapidly since the 20thcentury, and the current warming trend is expected to continue in the upcoming decades. Therefore, the “paleoclimatologists” […]
According to IPCC report, the Earth’s climate has been warming rapidly since the 20thcentury, and the current warming trend is expected to continue in the upcoming decades. Therefore, the “paleoclimatologists” […]
A cave is defined as a naturally formed underground cavity large enough for human entry. According to the formation processes, caves are usually divided into solution, volcanic, glacier, crevice, and […]
The fundamental dynamical mechanisms of the El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO)phenomenon have been extensively studied since Bjerknes envisioned ocean-atmosphere interaction in the equatorial Pacific as its main cause. This talk provides […]
Archaeological and genetic data concur that anatomically modern humans (AMHs or Homo sapiens sapiens) arose in Africa some 200 thousand years ago (ka). However, the exact birthplace and the reasons for […]
Mountain glaciers are still abundant in high-latitude, high-altitude areas on Earth. Their presence in the landscape, and dynamic behaviour, are intimately linked to the local climate. From observations we know […]
I will discuss recent and ongoing works on the warming of the Arctic in boreal winter, most pronounced in the northern Barents and Kara Seas, and its linkages to east […]
Cryosphere is where water is in its solid form. The cryosphere is changing faster than global mean under current and future warming scenarios and has great consequences to the feedback […]
Ocean biogeochemistry in paleoclimate history exhibits abrupt changes in calcium carbonate preservations after CO2 emissions. During the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) period, for example, the calcium carbonate (CaCO3) content was […]
Characteristics of tropical cyclones (TCs) in global climate models (GCMs) are known to be influenced by details in model configurations, including horizontal resolution and parameterization schemes. Understanding model-to-model differences in […]
We address the possible causal relationships between climatic andsocio-economic change and assess the resilience of the medieval Byzantium and the Little Ice Age Ottoman Empire socio-economic systems in the context […]