Seminar by Dr. Megumi Chikamoto

Seminar by Dr. Megumi Chikamoto

Ocean biogeochemistry in paleoclimate history exhibits abrupt changes in calcium carbonate preservations after CO2 emissions. During the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) period, for example, the calcium carbonate (CaCO3) content was […]

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Seminar by Dr. Yumin Moon

Seminar by Dr. Yumin Moon

Characteristics of tropical cyclones (TCs) in global climate models (GCMs) are known to be influenced by details in model configurations, including horizontal resolution and parameterization schemes. Understanding model-to-model differences in […]

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Seminar by Dr. Elena Xoplaki

Seminar by Dr. Elena Xoplaki

We address the possible causal relationships between climatic andsocio-economic change and assess the resilience of the medieval Byzantium and the Little Ice Age Ottoman Empire socio-economic systems in the context […]

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Seminar by Prof. Young-Hyang Park

Seminar by Prof. Young-Hyang Park

There is intriguing nonstationary relationship between ENSO and the WP teleconnection pattern, with a regime-dependent interdecadal modulation of significant correlations for 1973-1987 (r = 0.68) and insignificant correlations for 1988-2002 […]

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Seminar by Prof. Juerg Luterbacher

Seminar by Prof. Juerg Luterbacher

Palaeoclimatic information provide fundamental means for the characterization of natural decadal to centennial time-scale changes and putting the recent anthropogenic warming in the long-term perspective. Here we present recent advancement […]

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