To enhance its international competitiveness in a variety of fields, the Institute for Basic Science (IBS), in collaboration with the IBS Center for Climate Physics (ICCP), has purchased in 2018 a new Cray XC50™ supercomputer.
Located at the IBS data center and supplemented by a big-data storage system, this state-of-the-art facility will allow researchers to advance new frontiers in climate research, physics, and mathematics.

ALEPH – the name of the IBS supercomputer – is the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet which signifies that this is the “one” or “first” supercomputer for IBS and ICCP. In addition, it also means “wind” or “air” and refers to some of the research that is conducted on the supercomputer.
the only place on earth where all places are—seen from every angle, each standing clear, without any confusion or blending.
– Jorge Luis Borges, The Aleph

468 Skylake compute nodes with 40 cores each and 192 GB RAM per node

8.52 PiB Lustre parallel file system and 43 PB tape archive

4 data analysis nodes with 768 GB memory and 2 TB NVMe SSD
Korea’s second-fastest Academic Supercomputer*
ALEPH’s peak performance is equivalent to 1.43 quadrillion floating point operations per second (1.43 PFlops). It would take a single human 45 million years to complete the calculations that the XC50™ can perform in one second. The new supercomputer is using a highly energy-efficient liquid cooling system, which helps to reduce power consumption and electricity costs.
* Top 500 list on the supercomputer in the world: www.top500.org (2018)