Research facilities

Aleph supercomputer

ICCP in collaboration with the IBS Headquarter, purchased in 2018 a new Cray XC50™ supercomputer (named Aleph).

With this new facility, ICCP launched a major initiative in high-performance climate modeling and data-intensive research.

Aleph Super Computer

ICCP Paleoclimate Isotope Lab

The lab comprises an Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer (IRMS) for the stable carbon and oxygen isotope analysis of calcite samples, and a water isotope analyzer (WIA) to measure the hydrogen and oxygen isotopes of various types of water samples.

ICCP data server

The lab comprises an Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer (IRMS) for the stable carbon and oxygen isotope analysis of calcite samples, and a water isotope analyzer (WIA) to measure the hydrogen and oxygen isotopes of various types of water samples.