Uneven Indian Ocean Warming unlocked
A study published in Nature Communications by an international team of climate scientists uncovers the physical mechanisms that can cause uneven future warming in the Indian Ocean and corresponding shifts […]

Acceleration of global sea level rise imminent past 1.8℃ planetary warming
A study published in Nature Communications by an international team of scientists shows that an irreversible loss of the West Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets, and a corresponding rapid acceleration […]

Metabolic hack makes ocean algae more resilient to 21st century climate change
A study published in Science Advances by an international team of scientists provides clear evidence that marine phytoplankton are much more resilient to future climate change than previously thought. Combining […]

Large future changes in climate variability
New computer model simulations identify widespread changes in climate variability under sustained anthropogenic forcing There is growing public awareness that climate change will impact society not only through changes in […]

Fewer El Niño and La Niña events in a warmer world
Highest resolution global warming simulation conducted to date reveals possible end of El Niño/ La Niña temperature cycle The cycling between warm El Niño and cold La Niña conditions in […]

Earth’s glacial cycles enhanced by Antarctic sea-ice
During past glacial periods the earth was about 6ºC colder and the Northern hemisphere continents were covered by ice sheets up to 4 kilometers thick. However, the earth would not […]

Impacts of climate change detectable at vastly different timescales across different ocean processes
The contemporary ocean provides a climate service by absorbing excess heat and carbon from the atmosphere, thereby slowing the pace of rising global temperatures. This service, however, comes with penalty — namely […]

Indian Ocean May Be More Disruptive to Tropical Climate Than Previously Believed
A new paper on “Glacial changes in tropical climate amplified by the Indian Ocean” co-authored by Axel Timmermann, director of the IBS Center for Climate Physics (ICCP), has been published […]

The Blueprint for El Niño Diversity
A new research study, published this week by an international team of climate scientists in the journal Nature, isolates key mechanisms that cause El Niño events to differ amongst each other. […]

Atlantic/Pacific Ocean Temperature Difference Fuels US Wildfires
New study shows that difference in water temperature between the Pacific and the Atlantic oceans together with global warming impact the risk of drought and wildfire in southwestern North America […]