사야크 바수 Sayak Basu

Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Email: sayak.basu@pusan.ac.kr
Research Interests
- Monsoonal Precipitation
- Isotope Hydrology
- Precipitation-Vegetation interaction using stable isotopic composition of bulk organic matter and biomolecules
- Paleoclimate reconstruction using oxygen and hydrogen isotopic composition
- Fire-human interaction using PAHs
2019 | Ph.D. in climate dynamics, IISER, Kolkata |
Work Experience
2018 | 2020 | Postdoctoral Research Fellow, IISER Mohali |
2020 | 2022 | Postdoctoral Research Fellow, National Institute of Oceanography |
Fellowships, Awards, and Honors
2019 | National Postdoctoral Fellowship, Science and Engineering Research Board, India |
2020 | INSA Young Scientist, Indian National Science Academy |
- Carbon isotopic ratios of modern C3-C4 plants from the Gangetic plain, India and its implication to paleovegetational reconstruction. Basu S, Agrawal S, Sanyal P, Mahato P, Kumar S, Sarkar A. 2015.Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 440, 22–32
- Lipid distribution in the Lake Ennamangalam, South India: Indicators of organic matter sources and paleoclimate reconstruction. Basu S, Ambili A, Sanyal P, Singh P. 2017. Quaternary International, 443, 238-247.
- Variation in monsoonal rainfall sources (Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal) during the late Quaternary: Implications for regional vegetation and fluvial systems. Basu S, Sanyal P, Sahoo K, Chauhan N, Sarkar A, Juyal N. 2018.Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 491, 77-91.
- Spatial heterogeneity in the relationship between precipitation and carbon isotopic discrimination of C3 plants: Inferences from a global compilation. Basu S, Ghosh S, Sanyal P. 2019. Global Planetary Changes, 176, 123-131.
- Response of grassland ecosystem to monsoonal precipitation variability during the Mid-Late Holocene: Inferences based on molecular isotopic record from Banni grassland, western India. Basu S, Sanyal P, Pillai A, Ambili A. 2019. Plos One, 14, 1-13.
- Reconciling drainage and receiving basin signatures of the Godavari River system. Usman, MO, Kirkels FMSA, Zwart HM, Basu S, Ponton C, Blattmann TM, Ploetze M, Haghipour N, McIntyre C, Peterse F. and Lupker M. 2018. Biogeosciences, 15(11), 3357-3375.
- Seasonal and spatial variability in δ18O and δD values in waters of the Godavari River basin: Insights into hydrological processes. Kirkels, F.M., Zwart, H.M., Basu, S., Usman, M.O. and Peterse, F. 2020. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 30, p.100706.
- Possible role of warming on Indian summer monsoon precipitation over the north-central Indian subcontinent. Basu, S., Mohanty, S. and Sanyal, P. 2020. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 65, 660-670.
- Characterization of sedimentary organic matter and depositional processes in Mandovi estuary, western India: An integrated lipid biomarker, sedimentological and stable isotope approach. Bulbul, M., Ankit, Y., Basu, S. and Anoop, A., 2021. Applied Geochemistry, p.105041.
- Disentangling the abiotic versus biotic controls on C3 plant leaf carbon isotopes: Inferences from a global review. Basu S*, Ghosh S, Chattopadhyay D., 2021. Earth-Science Reviews., 222, P. 103839.