문자연 Ja Yeon Moon

Associate Researcher

Email: mjy1011@pusan.ac.kr

Phone: +82-51-510-7692

Research Interests

  • Cloud-permitting high-resolution model simulations
  • Climate change
  • Subseasonal-to-Seasonal Predictability
  • Weather and Climate Extreme Events



2002 Ph.D. in Meteorology, Pusan National University, KOREA
1997 M.S. in Meteorology, Pusan National University, KOREA
1994 B.S. in Meteorology, Pusan National University, KOREA

Work Experience

2023 Present Associate Researcher, IBS Center for Climate Physics
2019 2022 Senior Research Scientist, Research Institute, 4D Solution, Co., Ltd.
2017 2019 Head/Prediction Research Department Climate Service and Research Division, APEC Climate Center
2015 2017 Research Scholar, International Pacific Research Center, University of Hawaii
2012 2015 Research Professor, Climate Research Institute, Konkuk University
2009 2012 Research Scholar, International Pacific Research Center, University of Hawaii
2007 2009 Senior Research Scientist, Climate Prediction Division, Korea Meteorological Administration
1999 2007 Research Scientist, Climate Research Laboratory, National Institute of Meteorological Sciences, Korea Meteorological Administration

Fellowships, Awards, and Honors

2003 Outstanding Research Paper, Meteorological Research Institute, Korea Meteorological Administration,
2002 Outstanding Dissertation of the Year, Korea Meteorological Society


  1. J.-Y. Moon, Y. Choi, Y. Kim, and S. Min, 2022: Subseasonal to Annual Long-Term Trends in Climate Extremes over East Asia, 1981–2021. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10:880462, doi: 10.3389/feart.2022.880462.
  2. S.-H. Kim, H.-J. Sung, S.-J. Kim, E.-H. Baek, J.-Y. Moon, and B.-M. Kim, 2022: Contribution of Ural and Kamchatka Blockings to the Amplified Warm Arctic–Cold Eurasia Pattern under Arctic Sea Ice Loss and Eurasian Cooling. J. Climate, 35, 4071-4083.
  3. Y.-M. Yang, J.-A. Cho, J.-Y. Moon, K.-Y. Kim, and B. Wang, 2021: Improved boreal summer intraseasonal oscillation simulations overtheIndian Ocean by modifying moist parameterizations in climate models. Climate Dynamics, 57, 2523-2541.
  4. Y.-M. Yang, T. Shim, J.-Y. Moon, K.-Y. Kim, Y.-K. Hyun, 2021: Diagnosing ISO Forecast from GloSea5 Using Dynamic-Oriented ISO Theory. Atmosphere, 12, 114. https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos12010114.
  5. K.-J. Ha, J.-H. Yeo, Y.-W. Seo, E.-S. Chung, J.-Y. Moon, X. Feng, Y.-W. Lee, and C.-H. Ho, 2020: What Caused the Extraordinarily Hot 2018 Summer in Korea? J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 98(1), 153-167.
  6. S.-H. Shin and J.-Y. Moon, 2018: Prediction skill for the East Asian winter monsoon based on APCC Multi-Models. Atmosphere, 30, 1-18.
  7. J.-Y. Moon, B. Wang, S.-S. Lee, and K.-J. Ha, 2018: An intraseasonal genesis potential index for Northern Hemisphere summer tropical cyclone genesis. J. Climate, 31, 9055-9071.
  8. B. Wang and J.-Y. Moon, 2018: Sub-seasonal prediction of extreme weather events (Chapter 3). Bridging Science and Policy Implication for Managing Climate Extremes: Linking Science and Policy Implications, C.-S. Chung and B. Wang, Eds., World Scientific Series of Asia-Pacific Weather and Climate Press, 33-48, https://doi.org/10.1142/9789813235663_0003.
  9. B. Wang and J.-Y. Moon, 2017: An anomalous genesis potential index for MJO modulation of tropical cyclone. J. Climate, 30, 4021-4035.
  10. S.-S. Lee, J.-Y. Moon, B. Wang, and H. J. Kim, 2017: Probabilistic sub-seasonal prediction of extreme precipitation events over Asian-Pacific region. J. Climate, 30, 2849-2865.
  11. Y. Choi and J.-Y. Moon, 2014: Korean Climate Change Assessment Report (Chapter I), Korea Meteorological Administration, 305pp.
  12. Y.-W. Seo, H. Kim, K.-S. Yun, J.-Y. Lee, K.-J. Ha, and J.-Y. Moon, 2014: Future change of extreme temperature climate indices over East Asia with uncertainties estimation in the CMIP5. APJAS, 50(S), 57-72.
  13. J.-Y. Moon, B. Wang, and K.-J. Ha, 2013: Teleconnections associated with Northern Hemisphere summer monsoon intraseasonal oscillation. Climate Dynamics, 40, 2761-2774.
  14. J.-Y. Moon, B. Wang, and K.-J. Ha, 2012: MJO modulation on 2009/10 winter snowstorms in the United States. J. Climate, 25(3), 978-991.
  15. J.-Y. Moon, B. Wang, and K.-J. Ha, 2011: ENSO regulation of MJO teleconnection. Climate Dynamics, 37, 1133-1149.
  16. Choi, K.-S, J.-Y. Moon, D.-W. Kim, and P.-S. Chu, 2010: Seasonal prediction of tropical cyclone genesis frequency over the western North Pacific using teleconnection patterns. Theor. Appl. Climatol., 100, 191-206.
  17. Choi, K.-S, J.-Y. Moon, D.-W. Kim, H.-R. Byun, and R. H. Kripalani, 2010: The significant increase of summer rainfall occurring in Korea from 1998. Theor. Appl. Climatol., 102, 275-286.
  18. J.-Y. Moon, S.-B. Ryoo, and W.-T. Kwon, 2007: On the improvement of seasonal predictability from multi model ensemble. APJAS, 43(3), 305-320.
  19. J.-Y. Moon and W.-T. Kwon, 2007: The response of Northern Hemisphere atmospheric circulation to the northward migration of tropical forcing. APJAS, 43(3), 253-265.
  20. J.-Y. Moon, B. Wang, and K.-J. Ha, 2005: Coherent Life Cycle of Intraseasonal Tropical Convection and Extratropical Circulation during El Nino and La Nina years: GCM Study. APJAS, 41(2), 201-216.
  21. J.-Y. Moon and K.-J. Ha, 2003: Association between Tropical Convection and Boreal Wintertime Extratropical Circulation in 1982/83 and 1988/89. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 20(4), 593 -603.
  22. J.-Y. Moon and K.-J. Ha, 2002: Coherent Life Cycle of Intraseasonal Tropical Convection and Extratropical Circulation during El Nino and La Nina years. APJAS, 38(6), 547-563.
  23. J.-Y. Moon, K.-J. Ha, Y.-J. Choi, and J.-H. Oh, 2000: Relationship between Tropical Convection and Extratropical Circulation Appearing in 1982/83 and 1988/89. APJAS, 36(3), 389-404.
  24. K.-J. Ha and J.-Y. Moon, 2000: A Study of the Impact of Surface Albedo Changes on Northern Hemisphere Circulation Using a GCM. APJAS, 36(1), 1-14.
  25. J.-Y. Moon, A. Kitoh, and K.-J. Ha, 1999: The Eddy-Mean Flow Interaction and the Tropical-Extratropical Interaction in the MRI-AGCM and Their Dependence on Models’ Horizontal Resolutions. APJAS, 2(1), 15-28.
  26. K.-J. Ha and J.-Y. Moon, 1999: Relationship between Tropical Oscillations and Variability of Korean Summer Rainfall: Diagnostic Analysis Study. APJAS, 35(2), 272-282.
  27. K.-J. Ha, H.-S. Chung, and J.-Y. Moon, 1999: Interannual Variability of East Asian Monsoon associated with ENSO: On the Use of Variability of Outgoing Longwave Radiation over the NINO 4 region and the South China Sea. APJAS, 35(2), 235-246.
  28. K.-J. Ha, J.-W. Kim, K.-Y. Kim, and J.-Y. Moon, 1998: Sensitivity Experiments of an Atmospheric General Circulation Model to Coupling of a Multi-layer Land Surface Model. APJAS, 34(4), 630-642.
  29. K.-J. Ha, J.-Y. Moon, J.-W. Kim, I.-U. Chung, H.-H. J.-H. Oh, 1997: The Characteristics of the Intraseasonal and Interannual Variations of OLR and Precipitation Simulated by YONU GCM Tr.7. APJAS, 33(1), 1-15.



  1. K.-Y. Kim, J.-Y. Moon, Y.-M. Yang, and T. Shim, 2021: Device and method for dynamic-oriented diagnostics of climate prediction model on a subseasonal scale. Patent No. 10-2337369.
  2. B.-M. Kim, K.-Y. Kim, and J-Y. Moon, 2022: Metrics for diagnostic analysis and evaluation of teleconnections on subseasonal prediction. Patent No. 10-2396283.