김현아 Hyuna Kim

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Email: hyunakim@pusan.ac.kr

Phone: +82-51-510-7636

Research Interests
  • Climate dynamics
  • Paleoclimate
  • Isotope hydrology
  • Ocean physics
  • Climate change
  • Earth system modeling


2024 Ph.D., Climate System, Pusan National University, South Korea
2016 M. S., Oceanography, Pusan National University
2014 B. S., Oceanography, Pusan National University

Work Experience

2016 2018 Research Intern, Korean Institute of Ocean Science and Technology (KIOST)

Fellowships, Awards, and Honors

2016 Award of Best Student Poster, Korean Society of Oceanography


  1. Hyuna Kim, Axel Timmermann. (2024). Seawater oxygen isotopes as a tool for monitoring future meltwater from the Antarctic ice-sheet, Communications earth and environment, vol. 5, article 343, doi: 10.1038/s43247-024-01514-4
  2. Hyuna Kim, Axel Timmermann, Sun-Seon Lee, Fabian Schloesser. (2023). Rainfall Salinity Effects on Future Pacific Climate Change, Earth’s Future, vol. 11, 8, e2022EF003457, doi: 10.1029/2022EF003457
  3. Vasiliki Margari, David A. Hodell, Simon A. Parfitt, Nick M. Ashton, Joan O. Grimalt, Hyuna Kim, Kyung-Sook Yun, Philip L. Gibbard, Chris B. Stringer, Axel Timmermann, Polychronis C. Tzedkis. (2023). Extreme glacial cooling likely led the Hominin depopulation of Europe in the Early Pleistocene, Science, vol. 381, 6658, pp. 693 – 699, doi: 10.1126/science.adf4445
  4. Jo, Y.-H., D.-W. Kim, H. Kim. (2018). Chlorophyll Concentration Derived from Microwave Remote Sensing Measurements Using Artificial Neural Network Algorithm. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 26(1), 102-110, DOI: 10.6119/JMST.2018.02_(1).0004
  5. Kim, H., Son, Y. B., Jeong, J.-Y., Jo, Y.-H. (2018). Comparison of Internal Waves in Various Ocean Fields around the Korean Peninsula. Journal of Coastal Research, 85(sp1), 466–470 DOI: 10.2112/SI85-094.1
  6. Kim, H., Son, Y. B., Jo, Y. H. (2018). Hourly Observed Internal Waves by Geostationary Ocean Color Imagery in the East/Japan Sea. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 35(3), 609-617, DOI: 10.1175/JTECH-D-17-0049.1
  7. Kim, H., Park, J., Kim, H.-C., Son, Y. B. (2017). Climatological Variability of Multisatellite-derived Sea Surface Temperature, Sea Ice Concentration, Chlorophyll-a in the Arctic Ocean. Korean Journal of Remote Sensing, 33(6), 901-915, DOI: 10.1002/2017JC013481