김명현 Myeong-Hyeon Kim

PhD Student
Email: mhkim06@pusan.ac.kr
Phone: +82-51-510-7636
Research Interests
- Antarctic warming
- Climate variability
- Physical oceanography
2019 | M.S., Department of Climate System, Pusan National University |
2017 | B.S., Department of Oceanography, Pusan National University |
- Estimation of deep-water formation intensity using multi-satellite measurements in the East Sea (Japan Sea), Myeong-Hyeon Kim, Dae-Won Kim, Deoksu Kim, Feili Li, Young-Heon Jo, Deep-Sea Research Part 1: Oceanographic Research Papers, vol. 194, article 103969, doi: 10.1016/j.dsr.2023.103969 (2023)
- Upwelling processes driven by contributions from wind and current in the Southwest East Sea (Japan Sea), Decks Kim, Jang-Geun Choi, Jinku Park, Jae-il Kwon, Myeong-Hyeon Kim, Young-Heon Jo, Frontiers in Marine Science, vol. 10, article 1165366, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2023.1165366 (2023)