오효은 Hyoeun Oh

Assistant Researcher
Email: heunoh@pusan.ac.kr
Phone: +82-51-510-7632
Research Interests
- Asian monsoon dynamics
- Climate changes and climate variability
- Climate extremes: extreme precipitation, marine heatwaves
- Climate impacts on human pathogenic diseases
2019 | PhD., Atmospheric Sciences, Pusan National University |
2014 | M. S., Atmospheric Sciences, Pusan National University |
2012 | B. S., Atmospheric Environmental Sciences, Pusan National University |
Work Experience
2024 | Present | Assistant Researcher, IBS Center for Climate Physics |
2021 | 2024 | Postdoctoral fellow, Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology |
2019 | 2021 | Postdoctoral fellow, Yonsei University |
Fellowships, Awards, and Honors
2021 | National Research Foundation of Korea grant (Sejong Science Fellowship): Influence of land-atmosphere feedbacks on extreme climate and its future changes, PI, 2021.03 – 2024.02 |
2019 | Outstanding Thesis Award, Korean Meteorological Society |
2017 | Outstanding Achievement Academic Award, President at Pusan National University |
2014 | Future Scientist Award, Federation of Busan Science and Technology |
- Hyoeun Oh, Jung-Eun Chu, Yongchim Min, Go-Un Kim, Jongmin Jeong, Suchan Lee, Jaeik Lee, Jin-Young Jeong, 2024: Late-arriving 2023 summer marine heatwave in the East China Sea and implications for global warming, npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, vol. 7, 1, Article 294, doi: 10.1038/s41612-024-00846-4
- Seungmok Paik, Daehyun Kim, Soon-Il An, Hyoeun Oh, Jongsoo Shin, Bidyut Bikash Goswami, Seung-Ki Min, Sanjit Kumar Mondal, 2024: Exploring causes of distinct regional and sub seasonal Indian summer monsoon precipitation responses to CO2 removal, npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, vol. 7, 1, Article 305, doi: 10.1038/s41612-024-00858-0
- Go-Un Kim, Hyoeun Oh, Jin-Yong Jeong, 2024: Drying Trend in land and sea in East Asia during the warm season over the past four decades, Environmental Research Letters, vol. 19, 11, Article 114095, doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/ad8245
- Hyoeun Oh, Kyung-Ja Ha, and Jin-Yong Jeong, 2024: Identifying dynamic and thermodynamic contributions to the record-breaking 2022 summer extreme rainfall events in Korea, Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, vol. 60, pp. 387-399, doi: 10.1007/s13143-023-00334-4
- Ha-Eun Jeon, Kyung-Ja Ha, Hyoeun Oh, Hyeo-Ryeom Kim, 2024: Dynamics and Characteristics of Regional Extreme Precipitation in the Asian Summer Monsoon (아시아 여름 몬순에서의 지역별 극한 강수의 역학과 특성), Atmosphere, vol. 34, 3, pp. 257-271, doi: 10.14191/Atmos.2024.34.3.257
- Nari Im, Daehyun Kim, Soon-Il An, Seungmok Paik, Soong-Ki Kim, Jongsoo Shin, Seung-Ki Min, Jong-Seong Kug, and Hyoeun Oh, 2024: Hysteresis of European summer precipitation under a symmetric CO2 ramp-up and ramp-down pathway, Environmental Research Letters, vol. 19(7), 074030
- H. Oh, G-.U. Kim, J.-E. Chu, K. Lee, and J.-Y. Jeong, 2023: The record-breaking 2022 long-lasting marine heatwaves in the East China Sea, Environmental Research Letters, 18(6), 064015
- H. Oh, G.-U. Kim, Y.-S. Kim, J.-H. Park, C.-J. Jang, Y. Min, H. Jun, J.-Y. Jeong, 2023: Classification and causes of East Asian marine heatwaves during boreal summer, Journal of Climate, 36(5), 1435-1449
- G-U. Kim, H. Oh, Y.-S. Kim, J.-H. Son, J.-Y. Jeong, 2023: Causes for an extreme cold condition over Northeast Asia during April 2020, Scientific Reports, 13(1), 3315
- J.-H., Park, J.-S. Kug, Y.-M. Yang, H. Oh, J. Zhao, Y. Wu, 2022: Role of the climatological North Pacific High in the North Tropical Atlantic-ENSO connection, Journal of Climate, 35(20), 6815-6826
- H. Oh, S.-I. An, J. Shin, S.-W. Yeh, S.-K. Min, S.-W. Son, J.-S. Kug, 2022: Contrasting Hysteresis Behaviors of Northen Hemisphere Land Monsoon Precipitation to CO2 Pathways, Earth’s Future, 10(6), e2021EF002623
- Kim, K.-J. Ha, S. Moon, H. Oh, and S. Sharma, 2020: Impacts of the Indo-Pacific warm pool on the Hadley, Walker, and monsoon circulations, Atmosphere, 11(10), 1030
- H. Oh, and K.-J. Ha, 2020: Role of the surface boundary conditions in boreal spring on the interannual variability of the multistage evolution of the East Asian summer monsoon, Journal of Climate, 33(5), 1845-1861
- K.-J. Ha, S. Kim, H. Oh, and S. Moon, 2019: Three Reanalysis Data Comparison and Monsoon Regional Analysis of Apparent Heat Source and Moisture Sink, Atmosphere, 28(4), 415-425
- H. Oh, K.-J. Ha, and A. Timmermann, 2018: Disentangling Impacts of Dynamic and Thermodynamic Components on Late Summer Rainfall Anomalies in East Asia, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 123, 8623-8633
- Li, S. Park, J.-Y. Lee, K.-J. Ha, M.-K. Park, C. O. Jo, H. Oh, et al., 2018: Chemical evidence of inter-hemispheric air mass intrusion into the Northern Hemisphere mid-latitudes, Scientific Reports, 8, 4669
- H. Oh, J.-G. Jhun, K.-J. Ha, and K.-H. Seo, 2017: Combined Effect of the East Atlantic/West Russia and Western Pacific Teleconnections on the East Asian Winter Monsoon, Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 53(2), 273-285
- H. Oh and K.-J. Ha, 2016: Prediction of the dominant intraseasonal modes over the East Asia-western North Pacific summer monsoon region, Climate Dynamics, 47(7), 2025-2037
- Yun, J., H. Oh, and K.-J. Ha, 2015: Observation and Analysis of Turbulent Fluxes observed at Ieodo Ocean Research Station in autumn 2014, Atmosphere, 25(4), 707-718
- H. Oh and K.-J. Ha, 2015: Thermodynamic Characteristics and Responses to ENSO of Dominant Intraseasonal Modes in the East Asian Summer Monsoon, Climate Dynamics, 44(7), 1751-1766
- H. Moon, B.-H. Kim, H. Oh, J.-Y. Lee, and K.-J. Ha, 2014: Future change using the CMIP5 MME and Best models: I. Near and long term future change of temperature and precipitation over East Asia, Atmosphere, 24(3), 403-417
- H. Oh, K.-J. Ha, and J.-S. Shim, 2014: Analysis for Onset of Changma Using Ieodo Ocean Research Station Data, Atmosphere, 24(2), 189-196