압둘 와사이 Muhammad Abdul Wasay

Assistant Researcher & Research Professor in PNU
Email: mawasay@pusan.ac.kr
Research Interests
- Climate change impacts on past human migration and culture
- Physical approaches to early human migration
2015 | Ph.D Physics, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing, China |
2010 | M.S. Physics, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden |
2006 | M.Sc Mathematics, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan |
Work Experience
2021 | 2023 | Postdoc, Hunan University, China |
2018 | 2019 | Postdoc, G.I.S.T, Gwangju, South Korea |
2015 | 2021 | Assistant Professor Physics, Univ. of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan |
2010 | 2011 | Teaching & Research Assistant, LUMS, Lahore, Pakistan |
- Axel Timmermann, Abdul Wasay, Pasquale Raia, Phase synchronization between culture and climate forcing. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, vol. 291, 2024, article 20240320 (2024)
- A. Bashir, M. A. Wasay, A.Al-Mogeeth, Q. H.Liu. Dynamics and uncertainty for maximally entangled bipartite system constrained on a helicoid. European Physical Journal C 82, no.812 (2022)
- M. A. Wasay, F. Li & Q. H. Liu. Stationary transmission through lattices with asymmetric nonlinear quadratic-cubic defect. Physics Letters A 447, 128301 (2022).
- A. Bashir, M. A. Wasay. Constrained dynamics of maximally entangled bipartite system. European Physical Journal C 81, 4 no.303 (2021).
- M. A. Wasay, M. Johansson. Multichannel asymmetric transmission through a dimer defect with saturable inter-site nonlinearity. Journal of Physics A: Math.Theor. (53) 395702 (2020).
- A. Bashir, B. Koch, M. A. Wasay. Geometric description of Schrödinger equation in Finsler and Funk geometry. International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 16, no.7, 1950098 (2019).
- M. A. Wasay, Marcelo L. Lyra & Byoung S. Ham. Enhanced nonreciprocal transmission through a saturable cubic-quintic non-
linear dimer defect. Scientific Reports (9) 1871 (2019). - M. A. Wasay. Asymmetric wave transmission through one dimensional lattices with cubic-quintic nonlinearity. Scientific Reports (8) 5987 (2018).
- M. A. Wasay. Nonreciprocal wave transmission through an extended discrete nonlinear Schrödinger dimer. Physical Review E 96 (5), 052218 (2017).
- M. A. Wasay, A. Bashir, B. Koch, A. Ghaffar. Geometric description of Schrödinger equation in 3n + 1 dimensional configuration space. International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 14, no.10, 1750149 (2017).
- M. A. Wasay, A. Bashir. Two particle entanglement and its geometric duals. European Physical Journal C 77, 12 no.820 (2017).
- M. A. Wasay. Supersymmetric quantum mechanics and topology. Advances in High Energy Physics 2016, 3906746 (2016).
- M. A. Wasay, D. F. Zeng. An inconsistency in the spectrum of bosonic open 2-brane. Advances in High Energy Physics 2015, 360356 (2015).
- M. A. Wasay, Y. C. Huang, D. F. Zeng. Quantization and spectrum of RNS supersymmetric open 2-brane. Nuclear Physics B 892, 353 (2015).