Acceleration of global sea level rise imminent past 1.8℃ planetary warming
A study published in Nature Communications by an international team of scientists shows that an irreversible loss of the West Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets, and a corresponding rapid acceleration […]

Metabolic hack makes ocean algae more resilient to 21st century climate change
A study published in Science Advances by an international team of scientists provides clear evidence that marine phytoplankton are much more resilient to future climate change than previously thought. Combining […]

Don’t crack – deteriorating safety on frozen lakes in a warming world
Millions of international viewers enjoyed watching the reality TV show “Ice Road Truckers”, in which experienced truck drivers were expected to master scary challenges, such as transporting heavy supplies across […]

Timing of ocean plankton blooms to shift with global warming
Global warming is directly impacting the ocean’s net primary production (NPP) at the base of the food web as well as the seasonal timing of plankton blooms, according to a […]

Early human habitats linked to past climate shifts
A study published in Nature by an international team of scientists provides clear evidence for a link between astronomically-driven climate change and human evolution. By combining the most extensive database […]

Human influence on El Niño rainfall events to become detectable within the next 20 years
Published in Nature Climate Change, a new study finds that rainfall variations associated with the global climate phenomenon El Niño are likely to become more frequent in the next 20 […]

Large future changes in climate variability
New computer model simulations identify widespread changes in climate variability under sustained anthropogenic forcing There is growing public awareness that climate change will impact society not only through changes in […]

Fewer El Niño and La Niña events in a warmer world
Highest resolution global warming simulation conducted to date reveals possible end of El Niño/ La Niña temperature cycle The cycling between warm El Niño and cold La Niña conditions in […]

East Antarctic summer cooling trends caused by tropical rainfall clusters
A new study identifies key linkages between rainfall occurring in the tropics and climate trends in Antarctica Our planet is warming due to anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions; but the warming […]

Twice as much carbon flowing from land to ocean than previously thought
Every year 600-900 million tons of carbon flow through rivers to the ocean either as particles or in dissolved form. Researchers have known for a long time that this does […]

Future ocean warming boosts tropical rainfall extremes
Ocean warming predicted to cause a twofold increase in amplitude of rainfall fluctuations over the tropical Pacific The El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is the most energetic naturally occurring year-to-year variation […]

Sediment cores and computer model reveal multiple Sahara greenings
Wet and dry conditions in northern Africa alternated every ~20,000 years, according to a new study published in the journal Nature Geoscience. Prehistoric engravings of giraffes and swimming humans suggest […]