Seminar by Aaron Levine — The Impact of the AMO on the Tropical Pacific
KST 14:00 – 15:00 | 1010 (Jasmin) – Integrated mechanical engineering building
The Atlantic multidecadal oscillation (AMO) has been shown to play a major role in the multidecadal variability of the Northern Hemisphere, impacting temperature and precipitation, including intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ)-driven […]
Seminar by Min-Seop Ahn — Role of Maritime Continent Land Convection on the Mean State and MJO Propagation
KST 14:00 – 15:00 | 1010 (Jasmin) – Integrated mechanical engineering building
The Maritime Continent (MC) region is known as a ‘barrier’ in the life-cycle of the Madden-Julian oscillation (MJO). During boreal winter, the MJO detours the equatorial MC land region southward […]
Seminar by Jasper Wassenburg — Speleothem Fluid Inclusion Isotope Analysis: A Powerful Tool for Reconstructing the Climate of the Past
KST 10:00 – 11:00 | 1010 (Jasmin) – Integrated mechanical engineering building
Speleothem oxygen isotope records from the Asian Monsoon (AM) region cover the last 640.000 years and are important to understand teleconnection patterns across the globe. The δ18O of speleothem calcite […]
Seminar by Mark Maslin — Why did we become so smart?
KST 15:00 – 16:00 | 1010 (Jasmin) – Integrated mechanical engineering building
Humans are rather weak compared with many other animals. We are not particular fast and have no natural weapons. Yet Homo sapiens currently number nearly 7.7 billion and influenced almost […]
Seminar by Sreeush M. G. — Understanding the Indian Ocean Carbon Cycle variability via forward and inverse modeling methods
KST 10:00 – 11:00 | 1010 (Jasmin) – Integrated mechanical engineering building
Indian Ocean exhibits complex biophysical interactions in response to the seasonally reversing monsoons winds. Direct observations and biogeochemistry modeling studies have been employed to parameterize these complex biogeochemical interactions in […]
Seminar by Seoung Soo Lee — Effect of aerosol on instability and convective clouds
KST 10:00 – 11:00 | 1010 (Jasmin) – Integrated mechanical engineering building
The conventional understanding of aerosol-cloud interactions, so-called Twomey and Albrecht effects, only focuses on microphysical modifications of clouds by aerosol with no consideration of dynamic responses to aerosol. Numerous recent […]
Seminar by Gerald H. Haug — Ice Ages, Interglacials and a 450ppm CO2 world
KST 10:00 – 11:00 | 1010 (Jasmin) – Integrated mechanical engineering building
We argue for a pervasive link between cold climates and polar ocean stratification. In both the Subarctic North Pacific and the Antarctic Zone of the Southern Ocean, ice ages were […]
Seminar by Gerald H. Haug — Climate and Societies
KST 10:00 – 11:00 | 1010 (Jasmin) – Integrated mechanical engineering building
High-resolution paloeclimate reconstructions show a strong relationship between climatically induced changes in environmental conditions and social, political, and economic responses in several parts of the world during the past millennia. […]