Open Symposium at the IBS Center for Climate Physics (19 February)

19 February 2025
KST 10:00

We cordially invite you to attend an open symposium hosted by the IBS Center for Climate Physics (Director: Axel TIMMERMANN) on its major achievements for the past eight years since commencement.

This symposium will be held from 10:00 AM to 12:05 PM on 19 February 2025 at Pusan National University (Auditorium, Mechanical Engineering Building) in Busan. Please refer to the detailed proceedings in the table below.

TimeTalk TitleSpeaker
10:00-10:10Introduction of the Center:
The IBS Center for Climate Physics –
a Hub for Integrated Earth System Science
Axel TIMMERMANN (Director)
10:10-10:50Simulating Climate and its Impact on HumansAxel TIMMERMANN (Director)
10:50-11:15Asian Monsoon Systems and HeatwavesHA Kyung-Ja 
11:15-11:40Unprecedented Climate Extremes in a Warming WorldChristian FRANZKE 
(Associate Professor)
11:40-12:05Climate Change, Marine Life and the Carbon CycleKWON Eun-Young
(Assistant Professor)