Seminar by Prof. Seon-Ki Park from Ewha Womans University
26 November 2020
KST 10:00 – 12:00
The Seminar is being held in Room 1010 (Jasmin) – Integrated mechanical engineering building. Click here for the campus map.
Numerical prediction of climate/weather/environment is an important tool for adequate policy making in an era of changing climate. It basically requires a coupled modeling system, and its performance can be improved with optimized parameters and initial conditions. Numerical climate/weather models provides not only the future state of climate/weather but also the analysis data of model variables at given horizontal/vertical grid resolutions, which are useful especially in data void areas. We have developed an integrated regional climate prediction system ― the Regional Environment/Climate Integrated Prediction System of Ewha Womans University (RECIPE). The RECIPE is based on a coupled modeling system of meteorology (WRF) and land surface (Noah-MP) with some improved features in the land surface processes, including vegetation phenology, stem index, and carbon assimilation and allocation. It is also equipped with the state-of-art techniques, including optimal parameter estimation using an evolutionary algorithm, and advanced data assimilation. Some recent efforts to improve the regional weather/climate/environment prediction will be introduced as an integrated approach, such as developing/improving parameterizations of subgrid-scale phenomena, estimating optimal parameter values (especially for the quantitative precipitation forecasting), seeking an optimized set of parameterization schemes (“superparameterization”), and applying a hybrid ensemble-variational data assimilation, by employing the coupled models, e.g., WRF-Noah-MP and WRF-Chem, and satellite data.