Mechanisms Driving Changes in Sea Surface Temperature Seasonal Cycle in a Warmer World
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Understanding how soil moisture is related to precipitation is important because the relationship between these variables can explain the generation mechanisms of various extreme climate events such as droughts and […]
The planet is warming due to the burning of fossil fuels, but the geographical pattern of the observed temperature change over the Pacific Ocean over the past ~40 years is […]
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Tropical Pacific decadal variability (TPDV) has been a persistent research topic for over two decades. Despite this long-standing interest, the underlying ocean dynamics determining the timescale and associated variance remain […]
Atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration has increased by 50% since the preindustrial era. The excess carbon that has accumulated in the atmosphere constitutes about 40% of the total carbon emitted by […]
Earth system science has made great progress on understanding the atmosphere, biosphere and hydrosphere, but has failed to functionally incorporate its most dynamic component: the global human system. Yet, this […]
Many of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s Special Report for Emission Scenarios and Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP) projections (especially RCP 8.5 and 6) project CO2 emissions due to oil […]
Models for biological and epidemiological processes run the gamut from phenomenological to mechanistic, including differing amounts of biological information and detail. In this talk, I explore models across this spectrum […]
The oceanic data assimilation (DA) system, essential for understanding and forecasting global climate variabilities, blends prior information from numerical models with observed data to create the best possible estimates and […]