IBS Conference on High-Resolution Earth System Modeling

Dates: 12 – 14 Oct, 2020

In consideration of the continuing spread of COVID-19, the program committee has decided to hold the conference as a hybrid conference with online and on-site participation for international and domestic attendees, respectively.

We are very pleased to welcome you to the 2020 IBS Conference on High-Resolution Earth System Modeling.

With this hybrid conference, we would like to bring together world-leading experts in earth system modeling and early-career scientists. A key goal will be to explore new scientific frontiers in earth system dynamics and forge new collaborations to jointly analyze high-resolution earth system model simulations.

On October 12th and 13th, the on-site part of the conference will be held at Hotel Nongshim, Busan. International online participants will give their presentations via Zoom. Our sessions

  • Atmosphere
  • Ocean
  • Sea-ice processes
  • Regional processes
  • Scale interactions : from turbulences to weather to climate
  • Extreme events across timescales
  • Climate statistics: concepts, methods and applications

will be streamed live through YouTube.

On Day 3, we will host an open Zoom workshop on ICCP(IBS Center for Climate Physics)’s ultra-high-resolution CESM simulations. 

Registration period: May 15 – September 30, 2020

Abstract Deadline: August 31, 2020

Official conference website
