Malte Stuecker, assistant project leader at the IBS Center for Climate Physics (ICCP), was invited to the Science and Technology in Society (STS) forum future leaders program that took place from October 7th to 9th, in Kyoto, Japan.
This forum brings researchers, politicians, and people from industry and the public sector together from all over the world to meet and discuss current issues in science and technology. Part of the program was a discussion of the future leaders program participants with Nobel laureates and networking with other future leaders.

Malte Stuecker participated in various panels and discussion sessions during the forum, for instance on topics “Climate Change” and “Utilization of Space and Ocean”. These sessions included discussions with leaders in academia, politics, and industry. “Another interesting discussion at the forum was on how we can improve the education system, moving away from learning facts to encourage critical thinking.” Malte Stuecker said.